Prenatal and Postpartum Physical Therapy

Holistic Birth

Practical, evidence-based PT interventions to relieve pain and optimize birth outcomes.

  • Strategies for encouraging baby positioning and why it matters
  • The biomechanics of a birthing body
  • Protection of vulnerable areas to prevent/relieve common pain patterns
  • Proactive habits to optimize postpartum physical recovery
  • Advantages and disadvantages of various delivery positions
prenatal physical therapy tippmannpt

Postpartum Rehab

  • Immediate perineum care and scar healing (perineal and c-section)
  • Protective movement strategies for the first month
  • What is “normal” bowel/bladder/sexual functioning after birth?
  • Breastfeeding implications to vulvar tissue, preventing plugged ducts/painful engorgement & mastitis using lymphatic massage, body mechanics
  • Learning how to safely recover your core and pelvic floor postpartum.
  • Low pressure and negative pressure fitness to return to exercise and fully heal diastasis recti.
  • Spacious and safe baby and toddler toy room in our clinic.
  • Fertility Awareness Training